Working Towards a Trauma-Informed World

Imagine a world in which we are no longer shackled by our past but instead we are all free to live into our greatest potential...

...a world in which psychological trauma is recognised and understood both inside and outside of the workplace; where it is met with empathy and compassion; and where it is prevented wherever possible.

...a world in which, by treating trauma early, with a holistic approach, we help those who feel broken to heal and to live the fully expressed lives they desire.

All of my work is dedicated to the creation of that world.

“If you are wanting to understand more about trauma then Dr Susanna Petche would be my go to powerhouse of knowledge, empathy, understanding and commitment. Her training transforms lives.” 

(Angela Peake, Coach & Consultant)

We are here for…


If you are beginning to suspect that the physical symptoms, professional blocks or other issues that you are experiencing may have their root in earlier psychological trauma and you’re looking for individual support

Your Professional Development

If you are a coach or a health and well-being professional looking for training to help you take a more trauma-informed approach to your work - safeguarding yours and your clients’ well-being...

Your Organisation

If you want your organisation to be trauma-informed - recognising that individuals’ experience of stress and trauma impacts on their work, their productivity, their creativity and their ability to work as part of a team…

Your Event

If you want your audience to have their minds opened to the true impact of trauma - on themselves, their workplace and the world at large - and most importantly find out what they can practically and sustainably do about it…

“Susanna has this knack of listening, supporting and encouraging you and before you know it, you have grown, developed and can thrive again. Eternal thanks for facilitating my journey, I can finally see the opportunities available to me.”

(Dr Tabitha Morrison, Speciality Doctor)

How we help you


We offer group programmes designed to help you to overcome the ongoing impact of psychological trauma on your personal or professional life.  Dr Susanna also takes on a limited number of individual clients for one-to-one coaching.


Through our flagship Trauma-Sense Programme, we offer coaches, health and well-being professionals the training they need to take a truly trauma-informed approach to their work.


We offer bespoke training, workshops and consultancy for organisations looking to take a more trauma-informed approach to supporting staff and clients.


Inspiring speeches that will educate and empower your audience. Choose from existing trauma-informed subjects or request a tailored talk unique for your event.

Your next step

We don’t think that there’s a better way to find out if working together is the right next step than talking with each other.

Book a free, no-obligation, call with Susanna using the link below to discuss what you’d like help with - healing, training, consulting or speaking - and to gain a better understanding of what we do and how we work.

About Us

Founded in March 2022 by Dr Susanna Petche, Trauma-Sense is dedicated to creating a trauma-informed world. 

Combining over 25 years of clinical medical experience with both academic and personal knowledge of stress and psychological trauma, together with training in lifestyle medicine and functional medicine, Susanna brings a holistic and sustainable approach to understanding and dealing with trauma. 

Through Trauma-Sense Susanna is helping individuals to heal and thrive, professionals to learn and develop, organisations to support and empower their people and audiences to become aware and be inspired.

“Dr. Susanna has such in depth knowledge of trauma and has the rare skill of being able to share it in a way that makes it really accessible and relatable. Highly recommend the Trauma-Sense content for actionable steps to become trauma aware.” 

(Laura Coleman, Meditation Coach)

Get in touch

To discuss working with Susanna and Trauma-Sense book your free no-obligation next steps call:

For all other enquiries you can email us:

“I signed up to the Trauma Awareness programme to see if I wanted to pursue a line of work involving working with clients with emotional trauma. I did the course and reflected on the emotional trauma in my own life. I had huge light bulb moments around the victim role in my life and decided it was now safe to let it all go - I did not need it anymore. I made a huge paradigm shift in my thinking and divorced the victim side of me. I wasn’t expecting it and I haven’t looked back since! Thank you Susanna. It has been life-changing for me. ” 

(Sarah Van Thiel, Coach)

Stay in touch

We are constantly learning more about trauma and how to best create a trauma-informed world that allows everyone to live into their greatest potential. 

Join our mailing list to stay in touch with our latest findings and insights, receive information on our courses and be informed about the events Susanna will be speaking at.

P.S. We promise never to spam you and you can unsubscribe at any time.