
You are an event organiser looking for an insightful, engaging and inspirational speaker…

You want to host a talk on a leading edge topic delivered by an expert with clinical, academic and personal experience of the subject…

You need a speaker who can make the complex easy to understand…

You want to ensure that your event delivers real awareness, understanding and practical advice that delivers value to your audience straight away…

How we can help

We can deliver bespoke speeches tailored to the specific needs of your event and your audience. Expertly researched, backed by clinical, academic and personal experience and engagingly and authentically delivered by Dr. Susanna to inspire and empower your event attendees.  

Some examples of the subjects we can cover are:

How psychological trauma impacts the bottom line

In this keynote speech/workshop we explore how the psychological trauma of your workforce will be showing up in the workplace and impacting on the performance of staff and the company as a whole. 

We explain how organisations taking a trauma-informed approach can benefit from improved creativity, increased productivity and a direct uplift to the bottom line. 

Why psychological trauma is a DEI issue

In this talk, we outline how - for too long - the impact of psychological trauma has been seen as a psychiatric issue to be dealt with behind closed doors in a medical setting - and all but ignored in the workplace.  

Given the psychological and physiological impact of trauma across all groups, a truly inclusive workplace is one that recognises the prevalence of trauma and works to create a culture of psychological safety. 

In particular, it is crucial for DEI leaders and managers to understand the intersectionality of trauma, race and gender - and recognise the increased risk and consequences of trauma for marginalised groups. 

Psychological safety and why it’s crucial for a successful business

When people feel that the leadership of a business is managing and controlling them through fear or out of fear - then they don’t feel able to take risks. 

By creating psychological safety, organisations  create a culture within which people feel safe to be themselves, they have permission to make mistakes, which allows for creativity and innovation.  

This kind of culture encourages team members to help and support one another and seek out opportunities for collaboration to improve the overall performance of the business.

To discuss your speaker requirements and see how we can create a tailored talk for your event:

About your speaker

Dr.Susanna Petche’s mission is to create a truly trauma-informed world. To do this she is committed to speaking up, raising awareness, educating, training and inspiring audiences about what becomes possible when they fully understand trauma and how it impacts them both personally and professionally.

A sought-after and highly-rated speaker, Susanna delivers insightful and empowering talks in her own unique and deeply authentic style to a wide range of audiences around the world. She also regularly appears as an expert guest on podcasts.

Past Events & Podcasts

Speaker: The Master Series Oxford Trauma Conference

11th - 14th September 2024, University of Oxford, UK / Online

Speaker: Connection Counts 

May 2024, Birmingham, UK

Speaker: Your Coaching Journey Conference

April 2024, Oxford, UK

Speaker: Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine Live 

Saturday 9th March 2024, London, UK

2022 Panellist & 2023 Speaker: UK Psychological Trauma Society

ConnectionWorks - An Innovative, Holistic Approach to Heal Complex PTSD.

Speaker: Integrative & Personalised Medicine Conference

ConnectionWorks: Inspiring Healing Through Connection To Self, Others And Our Environment.

Podcast: Amy Rowlinson: Focus on WHY

Episode 366: Healing With Purpose

Podcast: Dr Ruth Allan: Brain Health, Unchaining Your Pain

Episode 74: The Psychological Impact Of Trauma

Podcast: Jo Turner: You Matter

Session 13: This is Going To Hurt - And Why It Does For Many Healthcare Professionals

Webinar: Penny Brohn UK: Cancer Wellbeing for Everyone

Episode 7: PTSD and Cancer

Podcast: The BMJ

Episode: Wellbeing - Put Yourself First

Podcast: Anna Knight: Navigating The Storm

Episode 7: The Right To Be Heard

Get in touch

To discuss your speaker requirements and see how we can create a tailored talk for your event: