The Trauma-Sense Programme

Part 1: Becoming Trauma-Aware

The first part of the Trauma-Sense Programme focuses on trauma awareness. As a stand-alone training it will help you to understand the true nature and causes of psychological trauma, how to recognise it in your clients and some initial guidance on how to work with clients who have a history of trauma. Completing Part 1 will also help you to understand your own responses and reactions to clients and will equip you with tools to take care of yourself so that you can provide a deeper, enlightened service for your clients. 

The training is self-study, delivered through recorded video modules (with audio only options available). It is approximately 4 hours in duration; divided into over 20 bite-sized sections and includes a workbook and additional downloadable PDFs of important slides.

In addition, Dr Susanna will host a monthly hour-long LIVE Q&A via zoom, which can be accessed by anyone doing Part 1 of the Trauma-Sense programme. These usually take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 12 noon, and are an opportunity to ask any clarifying questions you may have whilst completing the programme, as well as opportunity for discussion with peers who are becoming Trauma-Aware.

Upcoming Q&A sessions are:

  • Tuesday 1st October, 12pm

  • Friday 8th November, 12pm

  • Tuesday 3rd December, 12pm

  • Tuesday 7th January, 12pm

“If you are wanting to understand more about trauma then Dr Susanna Petche would be my go to powerhouse of knowledge, empathy, understanding and commitment. Her training transforms lives.” 

(Angela Peake, Coach & Consultant)

The topics covered in Trauma-Sense Part 1 include:

An introduction to Psychological Trauma

  • Psychological trauma: What is it? What are potential causes? How common is it?

  • A brief history of Psychological Trauma; understanding why this is still not discussed or properly acknowledged within mainstream medicine and psychiatry. 

  • Begin to understand the neurobiology and how this links to symptoms, behaviours and coping mechanisms.

Recognising Psychological Trauma

  • How does this present itself in a coaching session?

  • Beginning to understand how psychological trauma plays out subconsciously

  • Begin to understand how to safely manage the session when trauma arises, both immediately during the session and surrounding the session.

Working with Psychological Trauma

  • Understanding how working with clients who have Psychological Trauma (spoiler alert - that is pretty much all of us!) can impact the coach or wellbeing practitioner.

  • What we as coaches and practitioners can do in terms of creating Psychological Safety.

  • Practical support for both client and practitioner. Signposting for clients and tips to support self-care.

“I feel more capable of dealing with clients’ problems and to combine my coaching with more of a somatic element…[it] has given me much more confidence.” 

(Susie Heath, founder of The Embodiment Coaching Academy)

Who Trauma-Sense: Part 1 is for

Trauma-Sense Part 1 is a stand-alone programme which is suitable for coaches, health & wellbeing professionals and indeed anyone who is interested in understanding more about psychological trauma – especially if they work with people.

This programme was originally created for life coaches to become aware of trauma in the clients they are working with. At the end of the modular self-study programme, Trauma-Sense: Part 1, Becoming Aware, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how and why trauma arises

  • Be able to recognise the symptoms, behaviours and responses which are rooted in Psychological Trauma in their clients

  • And most importantly, be able to safely navigate psychological trauma when it arises during the sessions – both in terms of keeping the client and themselves safe.

Since the launch of Trauma-Sense in 2022; many health coaches, medical doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, social workers, teachers, police and even curious individuals have found this course invaluable to their professional and personal life.  

This programme is for coaches and wellbeing professionals who want to learn, evolve and ultimately be able to support their clients in the best way possible, with current up to date expertise and research.

Trauma-Sense Part 2; Becoming Trauma-Informed, is a much deeper dive into using the principles learnt in Part 1 with actual clients.

This 9-week in depth programme, taught live online, is for coaches & practitioners only.

We spend time, live online, in small groups, workshopping (anonymised) cases from participants to build confidence in working with the impacts of psychological trauma. We go into far greater depth about how trauma impacts the body, exploring concepts such as generational trauma, the Polyvagal Theory and the impacts of early trauma and attachment on adult behaviours.

For more information about Part 2, email the office at:

Who is Trauma-Sense NOT suitable for?

The Trauma-Sense programme is not a training in processing or healing trauma – this training is about understanding, recognising and safely navigating the impacts of psychological trauma.

The Trauma-Sense Part 1 programme is not for individuals seeking healing or support in place of medical, psychiatric or psychological help.

Finally, the Trauma-Sense Programme is not for individuals who just want a ‘tick box’ in understanding Trauma because it looks or sounds good for work. This programme can at times be challenging – and as such, requires the participant to create space and time to not only watch the videos, but allow time for reflection and processing.


There are the expected outcomes of being more confident in being able to recognise the behaviours, and physical/mental health impacts of psychological trauma in your clients. You will gain tips on managing situations with clients as they arise during sessions.

As a consequence, you will be able to support your clients fully - be able to unlock self sabotaging behaviour and get incredible results for your clients - which previously may have seemed out of reach.

The unexpected outcomes are the personal growth. People join the Trauma-Sense programme for professional growth but all who have participated in the programme have fed back on the huge impacts in their personal life: a deep understanding of themselves, with positive knock-on impacts with their relationships, both personal and professional.

“It was all powerful - but the most useful aspect was your ability to relate to coaching: helping us to understand the less obvious signs of trauma and that some of our strategies are not suitable and could exacerbate the clients emotions.” 

(Kat Holden - Coach & Consultant)

In short, the Trauma-Sense programme is life-changing.

If you want to take your learning and understanding to the next level, join the waiting list for Trauma-Sense Part 2, after you have completed Part 1.

If you’d like to join the programme, click the button below

Trauma-Sense: Part 1
One time

Get instant access to Trauma-Sense Part 1. (Your access is valid for 12 months from date of purchase. As thinking evolves and changes, it's important for us to keep the content up to date).

By purchasing Trauma-Sense: Part 1 you are agreeing to and accepting these Terms & Conditions.

Please note:

This programme is not in place of medical care - if you are unwell, please seek support through the usual channels. See below for links.

This is a professional development training- which yes, has the potential to impact individuals, but is designed specifically for coaches and wellbeing professionals to enhance their work and become Trauma-Aware.

The format of this programme has been carefully design to be watched in the sequence as it has been laid out. Tempting though it is to skip ahead, you are strongly recommended to watch the Trauma-Sense Part 1 programme in order - including the introduction, especially for the first time!